25 Crafts for Christmas Gifts that will Delight your Family and Friends


One of the most rewarding feelings during the holiday season is gifting something handmade to your loved ones. Not only does it show you’ve put time and effort into creating a thoughtful present, but it’s also a great way to save money while still giving a heartfelt gift. In this article, we’ll highlight 25 easy-to-make crafts for Christmas gifts that are sure to delight your family and friends.

DIY Mason Jar Snow Globe

  • Materials needed: Mason jar, small figurine or ornament, glitter, glycerin (optional), hot glue gun
  • Steps:
    1. Begin by gluing your chosen ornament or figurine onto the inside of the mason jar lid using hot glue.
    2. Fill up the mason jar about three-quarters full with water and add in some glitter along with a few drops of glycerin (if desired).
    3. Screw on the lid tightly and shake it up!
    4. Tie a ribbon around the edge of the mason jar lid as an extra touch.

Personalized Photo Coasters

  • Materials needed: Ceramic tiles, printed photos on paper or cardstock, Mod Podge sealer (or decoupage glue), felt pads
  • Steps:
    1. Cut out four squares from your favorite family photos that fit nicely onto each ceramic tile.
    2. Brush Mod Podge sealer onto one side of each tile and carefully lay down one photo square on each tile.
    3. Apply another layer of Mod Podge over each photo to seal them in place.
    4. Once dry, attach felt pads onto each corner at the back so they can be placed easily without scratching surfaces.

Festive Pinecone Fire Starters

  • Materials needed: Pinecones, candle wax flakes or old candles melted down in double boiler method , cotton string
  • Steps:
    1. Melt down your candle wax in a double boiler method until fully melted.
    2. While the wax is melting, tie a short piece of string (about 6 inches) around the base of each pinecone.
    3. Once the wax has melted, carefully dip each pinecone into the melted wax using tongs or a fork to coat it evenly.
    4. Set them aside on parchment paper until dry and hardened.

Homemade Christmas Tree Ornaments

  • Materials needed: Clear plastic ornaments, miniatures such as bartenders’ cocktails shaker with strainer, white clay decoration (optional), acrylic paint
  • Steps:
    1. Remove the top from clear plastic ornament s and fill it with miniature items like bartenders’ cocktail shakers or white clay decorations if desired.
    2.Paint over any unwanted writing on outside of ornament with gray chalk paint and let dry for about 30 minutes before rubbing off residue
    3.Once dry,nail holes may be drilled into top of wood slice and connected via twine rope for hanging.

Simple Hand-Knitted Scarf

  • Materials needed: Thick yarn wool , knitting needles size US13 & US15 (if beginner can opt for starter kit)
  • Steps:
    1.Choose a soft but thick wool yarn that you love – we recommend merino or alpaca wool because they’re super warm!
    2.Cast on 20 stitches onto your biggest knitting needle -we recommend size US15 -and begin knit stitch by alternating skipping one row/ bring up loop/ pull through etc depending on pattern created/finished dimensions desired across length kntting panels w skein ball re-used again from start point till end fold after measuring final width per person
    3.Repeat this process until scarf measures approximately six feet long when laid flat measured edge-to-edge.
    4.Cast off loosely using larger knitting needle

Origami Gift Boxes

  • Materials needed: Square-shaped colored paper , ruler, scissors (if desired), glue stick
  • Steps:
    1.Begin by folding the paper in half diagonally to form a triangle.
    2.Open it up and fold it in half diagonally the other way so you have an X crease on your paper.
    3.Fold each corner up so they meet at the center of the square. Repeat this for all four corners. You should now have an origami piece that looks like a diamond shape with two flaps sticking out from opposite sides.
    4.Take one of those flaps and fold it over onto itself so that its edge lines up with where the diagonal crease meets the horizontal crease.

DIY Bath Bombs

  • Materials needed: Baking soda, citric acid, epsom salt, cornstarch or arrowroot powder , essential oils (optional),soap dye coloring (optional)
  • Steps:
    1.Mix baking soda,citric acid &epsom/magnesium salts into bowl separately while pouring corn starch into same container as main:dry ingredient mix
    2.Drip several drops of chosen soap dye colorings carefully drop-by-drop onto dry ingredients then stir evenly
    3.On separate container,mix about 10-15 drops essential oil scenting’s followed again by even stirring until evenly mixed
    4.Spray distilled water slowly using hand or mist sprayer bottle onto mixture and stir quickly following until texture reaches consistency of damp sand that sticks together when squeezed by hand/ moldable material is formed.

Customized Leather Keychains

  • Materials needed: Leather scraps from hardware store / fabric shop;fabric cutter, hole puncher(depends on key chain fittings); key chain rings/clasps/hardware/tassels,charms etc
  • Steps:
    1.Cut your leather scraps to desired shape – we recommend rectangle shapes because they’re easy to work with!
    2.Punch holes at top center(preferably two) for attachments later on.
    3.Add your key chain fittings like tassels, charms or hardware and attach using a jump ring or glue gun.
    4.Personalize the leather keychain by adding initials with a Sharpie marker or using stencils and paint.


Creating handmade gifts is not only fun but also an eco-friendly alternative to store-bought items. We hope these DIY crafts for Christmas gifts provide inspiration as you prepare for the holiday season. Remember, when it comes to gifting your loved ones, the most important thing is putting thought into what would make them happy – whether that’s something you buy, make or do together!


1) What kind of crafts are included in “25 Crafts for Christmas Gifts that will Delight your Family and Friends?”
Answer: The 25 crafts include a variety of DIY projects such as homemade candles, personalized mugs, hand-stitched ornaments, festive wreaths, and more. All the crafts are centered around the holiday season and make great gifts for family and friends.

2) How difficult are the crafts? Will I need special tools or skills?
Answer: The difficulty level varies from craft to craft. Some may require basic crafting skills while others may be more advanced. However, all the instructions are easy-to-follow with step-by-step guides provided. Most of the materials required can be easily found at your local craft store or online shop.

3) Can these crafts be made by children?
Answer: Some of them could definitely be made by children (with adult supervision). For example, decorating cookies or creating salt dough decorations would be perfect kid-friendly activities. However, some projects may require sharp tools or hot glue guns which should only be handled by adults or older teens who have experience with them. It is always important to read through all instructions carefully before starting any project and decide if it’s suitable for your child’s age and skill level.